Relaxation and refreshment
We visit a tourist farm because we want to eat and drink something good.The offer is therefore partially limited to what grows on the garden and fields, what’s bred in our barn and chicken coop, as well as what blooms on the trees.
The kitchen on our tourist farm doesn’t prepare food by the guests ordering dishes from the menu, the housewife puts only seasonal crops into the pot, yet still listens to the guests wishes. It’s similar with the drinks: without mineral water we can’t live as it’s essential with a glass of homemade wine for a good “spritzer”, but don’t expect industrial beverages, such as whiskey, cognac, or coca cola, Fanta, energy drinks…
You are welcome to drink different types of homemade juices, made from seasonal
fruits and herbs.
At Kovacnik’s we produce elderflower and mint syrup, which is diluted with delicious water from Pohorje.
Dobrodošli pri nas doma
Z veseljem vas pričakujemo ob sobotah in nedeljah med 12:00 in 22:00 uro.
Skupine ali posamezne goste radi postrežemo s hišnimi dobrotami, ki jih v miru použijete v svetlih jedilnicah, opremljenih v pristnem podeželskem slogu. V prvi jedilnici “Pri peči” je prostora za 15 oseb, v drugi “Pri vrtu” pa bo svoj prostor našlo 40 obiskovalcev naše domačije. Vsa hrana je pripravljena sveže in sproti, zato v vsakem primeru prosimo za predhodno rezervacijo vašega obiska.
V nadstropju višje oddajamo tri družinske sobe za preživljanje počitnic na kmetiji.